Our patients include children, teens, and adults. We provide comprehensive dental treatment plans that are both efficient and cost effective. We treat the underlying problems by focusing on bone growth and Phase I treatment. Many of our braces, trays, and removable aligners are specially manufactured for your teeth. Our orthodontic treatment is so effective that patients often only need to wear braces for one year. We are not only focused on improving our patient's appearance, but we are equally concerned with promoting dental health and hygiene . We recommend our patients to go in for dental cleaning every three to four months to prevent cavities and decalcifications that might occur while wearing braces on their teeth.



Before diagnosing our patients, Our doctors will perform a comprehensive oral evaluation. They will examine the patient's jaw joint, face, bite and teeth. They will check to see if the bones are growing properly. After this procedure, They will explain what treatment is recommended and how everything can get repaired.

However, before any treatment process, an individual's bones will usually need to be fixed first. ​This is considered the first phase.